Met Office weather radar shows the rainfall intensity where it is actually raining. The Terra Sulis version includes Somerset relevant map information to add local context and is updated every 15 minutes.

Cumulative daily and weekly rainfall recorded by Terra Sulis at Stanton Drew:[iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”60″]Current rainfall intensity recorded by Met Office radar: [iframe src=”,63000.0,435000.0,222000.0&width=700&height=400&srs=EPSG:27700&format=application/openlayers” width=”100%” height=”460″ ]

Rainfall Intensity Legend, mm/hour
Rainfall Intensity Legend, mm/hour

Annotated temperatures (red) and relative humidity (green) are hourly data from Met Office DataPoint.

Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence, Data Source: Ordnance Survey, Met Office DataPoint