Terra Sulis Research CIC (aka Terra Sulis) has been working in collaboration with partners to map trees and woodland-opportunity in the UK and particularly in England. We use open-data and try to make the information products available at no cost for non-profit applications, or charge a fair handling fee. This site aims to facilitate the sharing of some of the data products and to provide some of the more technical details that might get overlooked on more campaign focused websites elsewhere.

Terra Sulis has been working closely with Friends of the Earth on mapping woodland opportunity, tree canopy, and urban cooling by greenspaces and trees. Projects have also been undertaken with the Lost Rainforests of Britain Campaign, the Woodland Trust & Eryri National Park Authority and the Campaign for National Parks. Some of the Terra Sulis data products are now available through ParishOnline.

Some of the prototyping work for woodland mapping was conducted in the Chew Valley and there is a section of the site dedicated to this local focus.